Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Welcome to my Blog!!

Today is a momentous occasion! Blogging...What the heck is blogging???? I don't even know what the letters stand for. Oh well, no one ever accused me of not having anything to say!!

I recently went to the Jansen Art Studio for a seminar. Some of those folks are bloggers and post such wonderful pictures and commentary. I have been inspired. Suddenly I can forsee the future of my blogs...everyone will just hang on my every word and will not be able to sleep until they have read of my doings and musings for the day...provided I have any!!

So I will simply get these blog settings started and see how it goes!!

Have a great rest of your day!!



  1. Oh Linda! I now know from personal experience that you have lots and lots of interesting things to say and share. I know that my day will not be complete without reading your musings. VBG
    Hugs my new friend!

  2. I forgot to mention, Linda, I can't wait to read all about your new shop, the ups, the downs, everything.


  3. LINDA....

    Hi...I am so glad that you are blogging. Man, I had such a great time at the seminar and you are just great. I loved your inspired modern art by the way. But, I didn't get the paint shower. Oh well, it happens to the best of us. Ask Georgia about her contemporary art on Jansens carpet. It was really lovely. I can't wait until we all meet again for some fun. In the mean time we will just have to stay connected through blogs. Talk to you soon.

