Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Louie......

Louie is a Shar Pei and was five years old when this was painted. It is to date, the best thing I have ever painted.

I don't think this photo shows the softness and detail very well. That is the photo in the lower right.

Monday, June 15, 2009

I forgot to mention....

A couple of weeks ago, a chapter I belong to had a 5 day seminar with Ros Stallcup. I only went for one class...the Rooster. Of course I painted it on a piece from my stash. I had a hard time with her technique and ended up painting it in my usual form....I always have the best groomed animals and this guy was no exception. By the time I got the body back to my satisfaction, I didn't get to do the tail. It was to be a wispy transparent build up of color. So I thought I would just save it for another day.

A week later I went to paint with some friends; one of them had taken the rooster class. She had finished her piece, worked on it all week,but was not satisfied with it. I took my rooster to finish as she had all the paint colors. My palette was still in good shape but I was being lazy and didn't feel like mixing since I always take more than one project to work on during the day.

Well there is her lovely rooster. Instead of wispy transparent tail feathers, hers is making a big bold, mostly black, statement. She asked what we thought she should do and we all told her. In the meantime I painted my rooster tail and it was looking just as groomed as the rest of him. Sorry..I like it.

Well my friend also has a chicken coop. She told us that her tail was true to her live Rhode Island Reds. We all said yeah yeah yeah..but you still need to lighten the tail up so it doesn't over power the rest. So just to prove her point...she gets this rooster and brings it into the painting studio...sits it on the tables we were using and says ..see...his tail is black. Well the rooster is struting around or at least trying to on the clutter of the tables. The dog decided to bark at it, the cat must have done something too because the next couple of minutes were hilarius and total caos. The poor rooster is stepping into the water buckets and just knocking them sideways...water is going everywhere...he is flapping his wings and I guess he was really upset because he then pooped on a piece someone was painting. Well we were all trying not to laugh but of course how could you keep it in??!! And that ruckus just set him flapping around even more. Poor thing!

My friend finally got the little guy, calmed him down and out he went to explain things to his hens and whoever else in his little kingdom would listen.

Sigh...I think he is still crowing about it!! LOL


Sunday, June 14, 2009

What a weekend!!

Well I know Thursday doesn't really start the weekend, but I was given two tickets....or I should say say re-aquired two tickets to Rainbow Music Theater in Paradise, Pa. The show was entitled "There Goes the Bride". A real romp with non stop comedy.... The food wasn't too bad either!! And surprise surprise...my hubby was actually available to go with...AND he said he thought it was a good show..he had a good time!!. Could have knocked me over with a feather!! If you are near by, you should go..of course there is a little secret....there are a LOT of white haired folks that go...so if you aren't into seeing a bunch of older folks, then you should stay home. Of course the best part is saying that..... we were the youngest people there!! LOL

On Sunday I helped my daughter celebrate a birthday. I bought three tickets to Les Miserables (something she has wanted to see)at the Fulton Opera House in Lancaster City. Her sister treated us to lunch at Carrs. The show was very good, but a little loud. I have always liked this small intimate theater. Some very good talent seems to be in the shows. I recall the last time we were there for Fiddler on the Roof. The part of Teva was unsurpassed. I am always delighted each time I go. I been to many shows on Broadway in New York City and although the names aren't household words and the stage is a third the size, the talent seems to be huge.
Our lunch was good. The food was tasty. Although I think the attitude of the employees could have been better the service was excellent. My daughter, whose job is to recommend places such as this to the tourist bureau, said that when she was there before the service was not up to par....she said she was pleasantly surprised, but then they weren't busy at the time. However I would go again....
just to see.
So this ends our weekend....back to the grind of Monday-Friday....


Friday, June 5, 2009

The weekend is almost here....

The week is over...where did it go? I still have so much to accomplish. I guess those items will have to be forwarded to Monday.
A rainy day ..again.. makes finishing planting a no go. And no grass mowing. That will have to be put over to Sat and Sun mornings....cause afternoons are boating time. There was a time I would mow in the rain just to get done. We have a new mower now. Poor thing has not experienced these 2 acres yet, but it is a John Deere...and nothing runs like a Deere!! But it is the hubby's new toy and so I won't deprive him of having fun. The last one was still going and it was over thirty years old.
I will be going to paint with my friends on Sunday. The rest of the family and shipmates will be enjoying the Chesapeake. WE of course will solve the problems of the world while painting beautiful things. (grin)
On a sad note, my friend Sally had to have her dog put down. She was old and sick....such a shame. I sent her a Rainbow Bridge. It always makes me cry when I have to do that. The thought is so lovely. So I will be taking Sally to paint with us and she will be cheered while she is with us.
The weekend awaits and I need to get move on it!!



Thursday, June 4, 2009

Musings on Thursday

Thursdays can be such dull days. Much like the month of February. Nothing worse then Thursday in February! Thank goodness it is just a rainy day in June. There is absolutely nothing worthwhile on TV on Thursday evening.

Today is my daughter's birthday and although we are going to a play next Sunday, we would normally go to dinner tonight. Unfortunately she isn't feeling too well. She and her husband are getting over a virus. Michael actually was home from work for two whole days...he must have felt really horrible for that to happen!! So I will take her out on Saturday for some sunshine and R&R on the boat if she feels up to it. Michael will probably go shoot clay pigeons if he feels better.

Painting has been slow this week. I finished David's Seminar pieces right after the seminar. I think they look pretty okay. I have three projects in the final stages and of course I am bored with them and want to start something new....or two somethings....well three actually. I finished..completely... two seascapes..the third I am dragging my feet for some reason. It is the same as one I just finished..it just needs a little bit..the frame is done already.

I have a Rosemary West that is we did at Chapter..that just needs some line work on the edges...since I didn't paint it on the recommended surface.
And I went to a one day Seminar with Ros Stallcup. Never painted with her.
That class was one day of a five day seminar at Chapter also. She is a very nice lady and comes around to each person. I appreciate that when I go to a big brush seminar. I didn't do well with her style. I was glad she was so helpful. I was going to mix my own palette from Traditions, but then didn't. I am not sure if that would have helped, but I have to blame it on something..couldn't possibly be me!! In the end I reverted to my own blended style. I always have the best groomed roosters in the barnyard!! That is another project I put on a different surface...looks good on there though...the part I have finished. I recently told someone when they were complaining that their painted piece was bad, that I thought it looked good, and it did to me, so I told her not to be so hard on herself. Maybe I should take my own advice. We are our own worst critic..I am never satisfied. One every piece there is always something that could be better. I have simply learned to finish them and hope for better results next time. So that is what I will do with these pieces. It is always amazes me that I will have painted something and be very proud of it. And then two years later I look at it again and say "What were you thinking!! Looks like amateur hour!!"

Well some goods news just came. I need to celebrate it. No I didn't win the lottery!! Darn....

